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Robot-type Automatic Screw Driving Machine

Robot-type Automatic Screw Driving Machine

● Repeated accuracy: +/-0.01mm
● Suitable for various kinds of working range. It is designed in four models, i.e. 200*200, 300*300, 400*400 and 510*510mm.
● It provides 255 groups, or 30,000 points, of working memory modules.
● Different working memory modules can be changed in one minute with control panel, which is suitable for small-quantity diversified production.
● Short supply detection and warning functions are included.
● Thread-slipping detection and warning functions are included.
● Torque reaching detection and warning functions are included (option).
● It can be used to support varied height fastening.
● It can use remote teaching MDI to write programs; or use the computer for online operation.
● Platform maximum loading: 7KGsda200a-01.jpg