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Servo Press JP Series 5 Unit Type

Servo Press JP Series 5
Unit Type

Higher Speed, Greater Precision, Enhanced Interfacing
Next Generation Servo Press

Easy Installation

  • Ethernet port included as standard equipment
  • Choose from 6 different Field Network types
  • Low noise and clean work environment
  • Much lower running cost compared with oil and air presses
  • Easy program teaching

Faster ram movement for higher productivity

Max. ram speed up 2.5x; ram acceleration up 3.5x over our previous model.

Broad range of functions

A variety of pressing and sensor functions for high applicability many different fields.

Superior functionality contributes to higher production quality

  1. Load Display Precision: ±0.8% (FS)*1
  2. Repeatability: ±0.005mm*2
  1. *1 Value at 5% or more of maximum pressing capacity under constant environmental conditions.
  2. *2 Value with the press unit at a constant temperature.

Global Diagnostic Functionality

Comprehensive hardware diagnostics (including PC boards)
Its easy to switch among display languages; teach in one language and edit or run your program in another!

Auto Amp Adjustment ・Auto Load Calibration

Perform periodic load calibration automatically.*3

Auto Amp Adjustment ・Auto Load Calibration

  1. *3 Please consult with us about compatible load cells.

Optional Fully-Closed Model

Linear scale makes even more precise work possible.
*For more information, please visit our Catalog and Diagram Download or contact us directly.

Touch Panel Interface For Servo Press

View and analyze process parameters and graphs; comprehensive press control at your fingertips.

Touch Panel Interface
*For more information, please visit our Catalog and Diagram Download or contact us directly.

System Configuration Diagram

PC Software: TaS Ⅱ System

Compatible with desktop, laptop and HMI (touch panel) PCs; choose the PC setup suitable for your facility.

JP5 Designer
Create, edit, send and receive teaching data

  • Upload teaching data from the Electro Press to your PC.
  • Create and edit teaching data and send it to the Electro Press.
  • Save teaching data on your PC and print it out.
  • Acquire time series data via JP5 Sampler and display it as a graph.
  • Edit sensor conditions, etc. based upon graphic displays.
  • Real time I/O monitoring during press operation.


JP5 Sampler (optional)
Receive and save run result data

  • Upload run result data to your PC (minimum sampling interval 0.25msec).
  • Display quality control data in list display format, and time series data as a graph.
  • Output sampling data in CSV/TXT file format.
  • Collect run result data from multiple presses.


JP5 Reporter (optional)
Analyze run results and make reports

  • Use quality control data to calculate and display statistical averages and standard deviations.
  • Display the frequency distribution (histograms) for end load values and end positions.
  • Display CPK (process capability index) data based upon run result data.
  • Display operational status program by program.
    (Error rate, no. of OK/NOK, average cycle time, average prep time, etc.)
  • Make reports in HTML format.